Analisis Penelusuran Pengguna Lulusan UPI
DOI: Kunci:
graduates, industry, universityAbstrak
The development of a world-class university involves the development of several key components: (1) strategic university planning, (2) university governance comprising leadership, structure, institutional management governance, technology, language policy, students and student affairs, faculty development, finance, curriculum, academic profession, performance measurement and success indicators, (3) international cooperation strategy (university relations with the international community, university relations with industry, university relations with the government), and (4) research. The development of these components is relevant and aligned with Renstra and Anggaran Tahunan for the Badan Bimbingan Konseling dan Pengembangan Karir (BKPK) for the 2021-2025 period, specifically in the program to improve the relevance of the curriculum and graduate competitiveness at the national, regional, and international levels through the involvement of various institutions, businesses, and industries from the perspective of UPI students and graduates. The core effort of developing the program to improve the relevance of the curriculum and graduate competitiveness at the national, regional, and international levels through the involvement of various institutions, businesses, and industries is to create a synergistic relationship, both short-term and long-term, between Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia and the business and industry world.